

A nation’s culture surrounds, supports, and permeates its people. It’s so ever-present it can be invisible, forgotten, and ignored. Shared knowledge, arts, beliefs, and practices are part of a nation’s environment. A common worldview (including attitudes, values, morals, goals, and customs) stabilizes a society. 

Understanding people requires understanding their culture. Words, images, and narratives matter.

The highest purpose of culture is to inspire wonder, curiosity, and compassionate action, often by awakening subconscious awareness. Movies, music, novels, and other arts introduce us to stories of people from different places and times, helping us see the world more clearly, respectfully, and deeply. They enable us to better understand others and ourselves.

Abstract ideologies divorced from reality reinforce friend-enemy divisions.  Empathy and compassion help develop compassionate workplace cultures. Mobilizing people by pointing to concrete problems and solutions rather than arguing about broad theories works best. 


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