Action-oriented Dialogues

Possible Questions

The following are possible questions for Action-oriented Dialogues. The goal is to develop written responses that present concrete proposals for action that participants can undertake in the near term. Please share your results by using the Contact form. We may publish your report here.

  1. When both partners work full-time, how can married couples form solid co-equal partnerships?

  2. With a work-oriented democratic team that has a leader, what is the leader’s role? What power do they hold?

  3. How can majorities rule without violating minority rights?

  4. What is violence? Must violence involve the intent to hurt? Can physical force be applied nonviolently? If so, how?

  5. How can groups that aim to achieve consensus deal with the inability to reach consensus?

  6. Can random selection be a good way to make decisions? If so, when is it appropriate?

  7. How can you avoid becoming selfish when you take care of yourself?

  8. How can we avoid burnout?

  9. How can I make judgments without being judgmental?

  10. How can we inspire without preaching?

  11. How can we negotiate compromises without sacrificing core principles?

  12. How can I cultivate listening in others and myself?

  13. How can I nurture curiosity in others and myself?

  14. How can I hold strong beliefs without being dogmatic?

  15. How can good friends nurture intimacy with each other?

  16. How can I be both spontaneous and disciplined?

  17. How can I give helpful advice?

  18. How can I focus on short-term, winnable objectives and also work to advance long-term goals?

  19. How can I help build a new, democratic, national grassroots activist organization?

  20. Are assumptions of moral superiority a common problem? If so, how can we avoid them?

  21. When there’s a conflict between the needs of the community and the needs of individuals, how can we resolve it?

  22. How can I connect more fully with the “life force” that energizes life?

  23. How can I help make my government more democratic?

  24. What is collaborative leadership? Do we need to cultivate it? If so, how?