Moving with Albert Camus Toward a Moral America

Adaptive Action

What: What’s the problem?

Humankind faces multiple crises, including:

  • Climate change threatens the very existence of life.

  • International and domestic terrorism is on the rise.

  • Gun violence and mass shootings are rising.

  • Societies lack a strong moral foundation.

  • America has developed a “me first” focus.

  • Domination and submission are rampant.

  • Economic insecurity is corrosive.

  • Racism continues to inflict injustice widely.

  • Corruption has become normal.

  • Politics is dysfunctional.

  • Self-centeredness and selfish cooperation reinforce the status quo.

So What: Why take action? What’s your goal?

The French author Albert Camus and his generation lived through World War I, the Great Depression, the rise and depredation of Hitler, and World War II, during which Camus was active in the Resistance. Despite this suffering experienced by the European people, in his 1946 lecture, “The Human Crisis,” which he delivered in New York City, Camus concluded with an optimistic outlook for the future of humankind. He suggested the following multiple priorities to help humanity move beyond the crises it faced:

  1. Simply reject in thought and action any acquiescent or fatalistic way of thinking.

  2. Unburden the world of the terror that reigns today and prevents clear thought.

  3. Whenever possible, put politics in its proper place — a secondary one.

  4. Seek out and create, on the very foundation of our negativity, positive values that will reconcile negative thought with the potential for positive action.

  5. Fully understand that this attitude means creating a universalism in which all people of good will can come together.

Americans for Humanity. based on a worldview that is fully consistent with the one articulated by Camus, aims to present resources that can help humanity move in this direction.

Now What: What method will you use to achieve your goal?

Consistent with Camus’ principles, this website provides a roadmap to a Moral America. In particular, we promote:

  • Respect for everyone’s essential equality.

  • Development of co-equal partnerships and democratic equality throughout society.

  • Mutual support for helping individuals undo divisive, fragmenting social conditioning.

  • Structural reforms that advance social and economic justice, especially dissolving systemic racism and assuring economic security for all.

  • Developing a network of small teams who embrace a shared set of principles such as Americans for Humanity: A Declaration and nurture this holistic and systemic transformation.

Everyone is invited to participate in this journey. You can suggest ways to improve the quality and extent of the website, encourage others to sign the Declaration, form a small team, or contribute in some other way that inspires you.