For a Moral Humanity (413 words)

Grow the Moral Humanity Movement,
Serve humanity, the environment, and life itself.

Unify pockets of change, 
Relieve suffering.

Enrich cultures,
Improve institutions.

Undo the desire to dominate for personal gain
Form collaborative partnerships.

Mobilize nonviolent protests,
Persuade governments to respect their people’s will.

Be the change you seek,
Practice compassionate action.

Deepen, expand, and connect,
Unify innovations.

Embrace core values,
Serve humanity, the environment, and life itself.

Advance justice and compassion,
Initiate activist campaigns.

Improve ourselves,
Support others.

Honor spiritual growth,
Grow personally.

Respect each person’s equal worth,
Accept everyone’s unique identity.

Cultivate bottom-up hierarchies
Expand democracy.

Nurture co-equal partnerships,
Transform society.

Form small teams,
Fuel the movement.

Modify existing groups,
Share movement’s values.

Create formal teams,
Help team members self-reform.

Align with existing organizations, 
Expand the movement.

Develop teams,
Become learning communities.

Push our institutions,
Live up to their ideals.

Build communal solidarity,
Adopt cooperative action.

Support pragmatic idealism, 
Balance polarities.

Recognize individual uniqueness, 
Celebrate differences.

Describe reality clearly,
Avoid division.

Dare to fail greatly, 
Achieve greatly.

Identify earthly needs,
Improve soul and body.

Form co-equal partnerships, 
Change conditions.

Reclaim love
Force justice.

Cultivate collaborative leadership,
Unify for lasting change.

Rely on nonviolence,
Choose love over hate.

Channel anger,
Adopt nonviolent action.

Encourage nation-nation compromise,
Resolve conflict with win-win solutions.

Hold nations accountable,
Follow the rule of law.

Protect each person,
Endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Maintain thoughtfulness, 
Give human meaning to everyday life.

Pursue compassionate action, 
Inspired by the Charter for Compassion.

Abide by the Platinum Rule,
Treat others as they wish to be treated.

Restore compassion,
Center morality and religion.

Practice compassion as a dynamic force,
Transform our polarized world.

Value the spiritual life force,
Energize life on Earth.

Balance individual-community,
Unify Society.

Demonstrate love,
Implement the demands of justice.

Promote transformation rooted in moral values,
Produce gains for all humanity.

Nurture holistic and systemic transformation,
Improve institutions, culture, and ourselves.

Democratize institutions,
Serve the common good.

Nurture cooperation and partnership, 
Meet basic needs.

Improve our nation and the world, 
Practice healthy patriotism and deep love.

Initiate independent campaigns,
Achieve broad-based change.

Reconcile individual, community, and national differences,
Create peace.

Find your way to a moral humanity,
Change the world.

Embrace core values,
Serve humanity, the environment, and life itself.

Form small teams, 
Fuel the movement.

Support pragmatic idealism, 
Balance polarities.

Cultivate collaborative leadership, 
Unify for lasting change.

Pursue compassionate action,
Inspired by the Charter for Compassion.

Promote transformation rooted in moral values,
Produce gains for all humanity.